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Biosand Filters, Borehole Wells, Rainwater Tanks, Ecosan Toilets, Handwash Stations, and Sanitation/ Hygiene Training:
The biosand filter is the primary tool that we use to bring long term, sustainable clean water solutions to many around the world. While there are many shiny, attractive solutions that exist, we have yet to find one that is as efficacious as the BSF. ALL materials to build and install are readily available and locally sourced. The labor to build and install also creates jobs that are desirable and consistent. We pay fair wages to our water filter technicians. They are invaluable to the focus of our mission to END THIRST.
When needed we also drill new Borehole wells for a fraction of the cost of most other water organizations.
For far less than the cost of a new well we will refurbish an existing well and install new and improved hand pumps that can be locally maintained and stewarded.
Sanitation and Hygiene Training are a vital part of our mission. Providing clean water is only half of the battle. Therefore we take time to train and equip local communities with the knowledge and tools to prevent cross contamination and viral transmission. Because of this we also provide
Eco-san Latrines as part of our efforts for many of the communities we serve.